Book Review : The Woman in the Middle by Milly Johnson

Yay another Milly Johnson book. I actually postponed this book even though I knew it was gonna be a good read, reason being that I was quite busy and was occupied with certain stuff but i really love this book as well because it touches topic such as family, friends, betrayal, standing up for oneself..

Shay always been helping her family in all ways , and also being the middle of the “sandwich” . It is actually really really hard to come out of such a position when all you want is for your family to be happy and you try your best to do what you can until you hit a certain threshold and …booom…your threshold is finally reached and then your pent-up frustrations will erupt . Add on betrayal by your hub and best friend, and having to look after your children who always seem to need help to get out of situations

I can understand her because I am someone who always love to help people, and i know and understand the frustrations of being there all the time such that people think that it is so convenient to just ask you for help, and get upset when you say you are unavailable ahha.

Anyway, i rate this book 4.5/5 (cause milly johnson books are one of the best books!)

1 may 2023

Recently I have gone back to reading since this is my recovery period.

So these are the books that I am currently reading:

  • Perfect timing by Owen Nichollis
  • An Escape to Provence by Sophie Claire
  • Under the MIstletoe by Sue Moorcroft
  • The Olive Garden Choir by Leah Fleming

Perfect reads especially during this period. These books are definitely perking me up

And i finally manage to play half the song smoothly on the piano. Some of the piano keys got stuck and the melody is abit off due to the missing notes but oh well, im just glad to be able to play it again 🙂

I also started reading the bible again, and thankful that I did. I started my listening to one sermon a day (at least im trying to get back into this) and also worship songs (these have been an ongoing thing)

I feel it is good to have a partner who is christ-centered and really point you back to Christ 🙂 and to remind you that God can help us to grow from grace , transform from glory to glory

A funny thing that happened..

Yesterday I had to run some errands so I went to NTUC to buy eggs, soap and some cny tidbits.

The cashier itemized the various items into seperate bags and the soap was in just one plastic bag. In my hurry to multitask everything – calling for cab, trying to shift the weight of the bags from one hand to another, I was literally running to the entrance. When the cab came, I gave a sigh of relief and plonked everything in the cab…then omgosh…i couldn’t find the bag with the soap -.-“””

As I was frantically searching for it, the cab driver saw the security guard carrying my plastic bag of soap asking the people who it belongs to. I hurriedly scrolled down the window and told the guard: it’s mine!” The guard laughed and said “lucky you took it , otherwise I will go home and bathe with it”

Like really Thank God , if not I had to go back to buy another round of soap HAHAHA


2021 is coming to an end…

This year has its ups and downs, but surprisingly and thank God, it has been a better and much more peaceful year than last year. I remember when the theme of the year was released, I was asking myself, err what is the Hazon vision, and i felt pressurized that I did not know / understand. After asking around, I realised that all i had to do was to find bible verses that spoke to me and meditate on them. So these are the few verses which really saw me through this year:

  • Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness And rivers in the desert. (Isaiah 43:19)
  • And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19)
  • I certainly believed that I would see the goodness of the LORD In the land of the living.(Psalm 27:13)

And most importantly, God is my source 🙂 He works everything out for our greatest good and His greatest glory. Amen!

Even though this year has been challenging, God’s fingerprints were still all over it, opening doors of opportunity for me, giving me ample time to manage family/ career and keep them in balance.

Trusting God for a a very blessed year -in terms of every area of my life for 2022. Amen! Thank You Jesus as it shall be our best year yet! Amen!

Book Review: Together by Christmas by Karen Swan

I am a huge fan of Karen Swan’s books and so when I saw the pretty book cover at the bookshop I knew I had to get it. Sidetrack abit, I love the cover so much.

Karen Swan has a knack of describing places in such a detailed way that you feel fully immersed in the places in the book. I love Christmas personally and the way she described the decorations made me wish I could see it with my own eyes!

Lee, a well-known photographer has only one main priority in her life – her son, Jasper. Raising a child as a single mum is no easy feat but Lee does a terrific job of it, attending to his needs and wants, ensuring that he is happy. He is also surrounded by “godparents” who happen to be Lee’s good friends. Still, Jasper feels the absence of the father (who will be revealed later in the story) and Lee tries her best to make up for it.

Her first encounter with Sam was quite interesting , I mean being connected through photography and even the book he wrote. What are the chances? The main connection between them was what I really could relate too. No matter what life throws at them, they are still together. Even if Lee has a secret buried deep within her, Sam still understands and make it a point to be present. Giving her space as and when she needs at the right time.

Harry is also another character i really was interested in .He is so loyal to the friendship shared between him and Lee, such that he even go to a place where his life can be at risk just so to make things right again. His wife Gisele is also a strong woman, not giving up on the baby even though she is left alone, waiting for Harry to return.

Overall, the book is more than a christmas story. It covers so many areas of life, that makes you rethink, that small moments do matter, family and friends do matter. It is not always about ambition, not always about superficial success that counts. Loved ones do matter and it is important to have them and be present and give them your attention.

I rate this book as 5/5

Book Review: One plus One by Jojo Moyes

I gotta be honest here. Initially, when i first started reading this book i got bored and distracted by other books and also work. Some time this year I decided to continue to give it a chance because I read so many rave reviews online.

Jess is a very tough character. If i were her , i don’t think I will be so optimistic, going through life as it comes. In a way, i feel really blessed. Anyway, when she meets Ed, i think it is quite funny that he willingly drives them to the olympiad for Tanzie. In real life, will anyone do that? Maybe, if a guy is really attracted to you OR he is just plain kind-hearted. So along the journey to the Olympiad , Jess and Ed and her two children encounter various misfortunes..Somehow I feel these misfortunes are not really realistic..and it gets tiresome over time.

One thing i really cannot stand was when Ed left Jess and Jess was in a blank state and Tanzie got ganged up upon by the fishers. If you are a responsible parent, you got to ensure you keep a look out for your kids, even when they go out to buy things on their own. I know I will only allow myself to wallow in self-pity at night, when everyone under my responsibility is sound asleep.

Anyway, i did not really like this book,but the flow of writing was great. I rate it 3/5

Pet peeves

1) When people ask you for some things and ask more questions about the topic and you share, but when you ask them for their opinions in return they do not want to share and clam up instead, stating “they don’t know” or “they did not mention it” .Oh. So you only want to know things but don’t want to share? Like wtf? When it is so obvious that you do not want to share and not because you genuinely do not know? lol. I really cannot stand these type if people. Don’t get offended when I stop sharing stuff with you or stay silent and only talk when needed.

2) when someone does not so nice things to you and when you do it to them they get offended. lol. I find these people hilarious.

3) Sharing your private stuff with mutuals or others. Do you not know what is the meaning of private stuff? I shared with you because i trusted you. Just keep your mouth shut. Is common sense.

Book Review: Miss Benson’s Beetle by Rachel Joyce

One thing that kept me captivated was the unpredictabiliy of this book.

Evsn though Margery was always the sensible one, Enid always provided surprises and twists to the story. To be honest, I was abit skeptical about this book because I thought it was all about finding a beetle and was thinking how interesting can it be? And that is why we should not judge a book by its cover, or rather title in this case. haha!

The story flow was fluid and concise, it is a pretty good book I would say if you are looking to curl under the blanket and read a book , with a mug of coffee at the bedside

Overall, I will rate this book at 4.5/5

Book Review: Truely, Madly like me by Jo watson

This is a very witty and fabulous romcom, as expected from one of my favourite authors.

The premise for this book is very relatable, especially in times where social media is pravalent. Frankie, as a social media influencer, has a major breakdown ( and streams it live * gosh*) due to her nearly losing her life in an elevator and a breakup from her instagram boyfriend. As a result of losing her followers due to the breakdown, She decides to head to a town with no access to wifi- as advertised . Over there, she meets mark , with whom she will develop a relationship with. She also builds friendships with a dog( an ugly one) , the vet and other community and slowly warms up to them.

Seeing how Frankie was absorbed in getting likes and followers, projecting a perfect image of herself just to get approval from people she didnt’ know in real life, was quite relatable. The way she abandoned her online life just to escape from the horror of rejection was something that i could really relate as well.

Jo watson manages to capture the pitfalls of creating a false image and the consequences of such actions. With a mixture of hilarity and heartwarming situations, this book really will make you think deeply on approvals, making real connections in real life rather than curating a perfect image just to get some superficial approval through likes and followers.

Overall i rate this book 4.5/5 !


Sometimes I wonder what race am I running? Why do I feel the stress and feel that I need to keep up with my peers? Why do I put myself under pressure? And If i really keep up with them, then what? Is another wave of stress and pressure to keep up with them or even to stay ahead?

Thankful to Jesus that He is always there for me and does not condemn me. Thank You Jesus that even in my failings and flaws, Your grace is still there and superabounds.

On the one hand I am tired, on the other hand I still crave for more, wanting to have more. But Jesus i know. only in Your time. Amen And all glory goes back to You. amen.