Book Review: The Book Lover Retreat by Heidi Swain

I am a big fan of Heidi Swain and this book was really good as usual 🙂

Emily , Rachel and Tori have booked a holiday to Hope Falls, a place which a film adapation based on a book they love was filmed. Along the way Tori had to drop out, and Alex replaces them.

This story flowed so naturally it felt like i was part of the group and experiencing the vacation myself. This is one of the rare times when i come across a guy who really love a book so much that he would go on the vacation to experience himself. But as we go deeper into the story, we understand why Alex was so adamant on going to this vacation. The relationship between Emily and Alex was also a nice progression. Emily’s own business, i feel in reality might not have such an explosion of popularity but hey that is why it is a story right? I really like Rachel because she is a supportive best friend, as what best friends are.

Overall, 4/5