A restful saturday

Today, i finally took the bus to Kino again. As i alighted at lucky plaza and walked past paragon, I still felt the familiar ache as it was a place full of memories. When i entered kino, it was a different familiar ache but somehow I felt my mom’s presence. I love you mum. I was elated that i managed to buy 3 books, thank God for a good job now. Amen 🙂

After that I headed to aunt house where i chilled and ate dinner. Soon hopefully we can have dinner outside together again 🙂

8 Sep 2022

Today in the morning, my right eye twitch very violently. Stupid thoughts of “oh bad things gonna happen” passed my mind but i brushed them away because i am not a superstitious person..

Guess what. After work, i wanted to go to the hawker in front and i forgot my keys. I was like wtf, I was locked out of my house. So I had to take the bus to and mrt to my aunt house. And in the bus i knocked my head accidentally 😦

Anyway, my aunt mentioned that mummy appeared in her dream. That she could tell my aunt in her dream what she dreamed of. And in the dream , mummy was very young and slim. Mummy , when are you appearing in my dream again? You know, when aunt mentioned about the dream i was really trying not to cry. I miss you so much mummy. I love you mummy, very much.


Dearest mummy, how are you? this is the fifth month. I miss you so much, I know you are there everyday with me, looking at me from above, loving me from above. I love you from down here everyday, and I really wish rapture was here.

You know mummy, i wish you were here physically then i can share with you all my thoughts even though i know you know without me saying it out loud. I love you so much mummy. Please enter my dreams again soon..

And so it is September again, and the tradition of binging on hallmark christmas movies continues..:)

25 July 2022

Sometimes, I wish I can just put aside everything and go on a short holiday trip, but then that will be throwing away or rather, ” not being responsible” enough yea? I am still confused, because X said I did not attend an important meeting, but I did not receive any invitation for it? Sigh..is this just being a victim of sophisticated politics?

Anyway, it is over and done with. I know Jesus has better things in store for me. I don’t have to worry, because sometimes He closed the door because we are stagnant and He will open bigger doors for me. Amen.

Thankful to God that during the past 3 weeks I had a strong support system, where people gave me advices, and accompanied me to go shopping/hearing my rants etc. Funny that all of them (with them being so direct and honest with me 100%) are confident that I will succeed.

Ultimately, i can’t trust in my own flesh but put everything in God’s hands.

Am I so unfit? :(

I started exercising again after 1 year. I initially just wanted to go on diet all the way but felt the need to exercise too since it releases endorphins.

So yesterday i tried the more intense version of walk away the pounds. I thought it was gonna be easy but I was wrong lol. I was panting halfway through the exercise while the people in the video (fit as ever)were all looking gorgeous and grinning throughout the exercise! how do they do it???

Maybe if i start to do it daily my body will get used to it. yea?

A funny thing that happened..

Yesterday I had to run some errands so I went to NTUC to buy eggs, soap and some cny tidbits.

The cashier itemized the various items into seperate bags and the soap was in just one plastic bag. In my hurry to multitask everything – calling for cab, trying to shift the weight of the bags from one hand to another, I was literally running to the entrance. When the cab came, I gave a sigh of relief and plonked everything in the cab…then omgosh…i couldn’t find the bag with the soap -.-“””

As I was frantically searching for it, the cab driver saw the security guard carrying my plastic bag of soap asking the people who it belongs to. I hurriedly scrolled down the window and told the guard: it’s mine!” The guard laughed and said “lucky you took it , otherwise I will go home and bathe with it”

Like really Thank God , if not I had to go back to buy another round of soap HAHAHA

free time

I was watching this dance movie on netflix -Feel the beat and surprisingly, it was really a nice and heartwarming show. Ok, I admit, I was being judgmental and thought it was some kiddy show but actually, this show touched on many genres – family, dance, abandonment, commitment, priorities, regrets,heartbreak.

AND is it cause I am getting older that I am getting more sentimental? Each time a touching scene comes up i feel like crying. Not only for this show, like any touching reunions or heartwarming scenes I ended up fighting back my tears. Even when I am reading a book/watching hallmark shows the same thing happens. Or maybe i just develop into a softie ahhahahaa!