30 April 2024

Is it weird that until today I am still wondering if I made the right decision? Alot of people told me whatever you choose, God is with you. No matter which decision, God is with you. But I dont want to waste time. Especially when i know there is no career progression in that. I am tired.

Anyway, let’s see how it goes. I give myself at least a month ahahahha.

On another note, my laptop screen has been flickering. Sucks. I don’t intend to buy another one for the time being . … Sigh.

Book Review: Autumn Dreams at Mermaid Point by Sarah Bennett

What a lovely story. I love how the book captures the emotions of the characters, especially how the children felt while going through transitions.

I did not read the 1st book and this book works well as a standalone. I love how Dr Tom Nelson manages the emotional outbursts from his two children , Emily and Max ( but both valid due to the loss of their mother). Nerissa and Tom are both introduced into each other’s lives, at the right place and right time as both needed each other. Nerissa is a lovely woman, managing her own emotions, her own circumstances but still manage to be positive albeit the various emotions.

Overall, the story has a nice and easy-going pace, with in-depth issues covered.

Rating 4.5/5

4 Jan 2024

So after the conversation we had last night it made me more certain that we won’t end up together. I mean, come on, from the start already had these issues and I wanted to see how it pann out end of last year.

I learned a few things about myself:

  1. Due to my mom’s passing, i became vulnerable and relied on him as a source of comfort/someone to love/be loved. I was afraid of being alone while grieving, and i felt i was moving on with my life
  2. I at times allowed myself to easily give in and i dont know what to do with this. i have a feeling it is cause of the sudden loss of my mum

Sigh, i just feel like sometimes we are both wasting our time or just going day by day. I would not call it mindless dating but still is it really worth my time?

After i found a new job i will decide. Hopefully soon because now is only january 2024. i am gonna give it till march.

And i also decided not to let his comments get to me. That from now on I will guard my heart. Jesus please guard my heart. Give me wisdom on how to see what is good for me . And also Lord protect me from harm.

Thank You Jesus. Amen.

Book Review : The Woman in the Middle by Milly Johnson

Yay another Milly Johnson book. I actually postponed this book even though I knew it was gonna be a good read, reason being that I was quite busy and was occupied with certain stuff but i really love this book as well because it touches topic such as family, friends, betrayal, standing up for oneself..

Shay always been helping her family in all ways , and also being the middle of the “sandwich” . It is actually really really hard to come out of such a position when all you want is for your family to be happy and you try your best to do what you can until you hit a certain threshold and …booom…your threshold is finally reached and then your pent-up frustrations will erupt . Add on betrayal by your hub and best friend, and having to look after your children who always seem to need help to get out of situations

I can understand her because I am someone who always love to help people, and i know and understand the frustrations of being there all the time such that people think that it is so convenient to just ask you for help, and get upset when you say you are unavailable ahha.

Anyway, i rate this book 4.5/5 (cause milly johnson books are one of the best books!)

A better week :)

Aunty S came to stay our house since yesterday till tomorrow i think. At first I was apprehensive because I did not see her for over 10 years. Prayed and all is well. Thankful to Jesus, that even though there are so many things to be annoyed about, it is always good to be thankful to Jesus because He is the source of everything good. Amen. Look to God and rest in Him, that is the way.

Anyway yesterday for dinner we ate at westmall, not sure why i was not feeling well. Maybe it was exhaustion? Took holy communion and was much better today. We went to eat hans (spicy ramen) and it was good. I did not expect hans to upgrade their menu and include ramen and don. So good, definitely will consider going it again. Thank God Aunty S was not a fussy eater and she enjoyed the food too.

1 may 2023

Recently I have gone back to reading since this is my recovery period.

So these are the books that I am currently reading:

  • Perfect timing by Owen Nichollis
  • An Escape to Provence by Sophie Claire
  • Under the MIstletoe by Sue Moorcroft
  • The Olive Garden Choir by Leah Fleming

Perfect reads especially during this period. These books are definitely perking me up

And i finally manage to play half the song smoothly on the piano. Some of the piano keys got stuck and the melody is abit off due to the missing notes but oh well, im just glad to be able to play it again 🙂

I also started reading the bible again, and thankful that I did. I started my listening to one sermon a day (at least im trying to get back into this) and also worship songs (these have been an ongoing thing)

I feel it is good to have a partner who is christ-centered and really point you back to Christ 🙂 and to remind you that God can help us to grow from grace , transform from glory to glory

28 March 2023

This Thursday I am supposed to go to the memorial service but I decided to give it a miss since next Fri I am going to her niche. When the lady from the hospice called me, I recalled everything all at once again. Sigh, i hope I will get over this soon.

Lately, my appetite has been increasing, my diet plan of losing 5 kg seems to be thrown out of the window. I really should watch what I am eating. Drinking 3 cups of coffee really feels so good, but I know the ultimate feeling end of the day – which is shakiness.

I also been to the dentist recently, saying that i need to have my teeth extracted under LA or GA, but GA is not advisable as I have too many drug allergies. Sigh, can i just pray for healing and dont go surgery? I have never been under GA my entire life. If i do LA, i’m scared my anxiety will hit the roof which results in panic attack under LA.

So many things to consider Lord. Seeking Your wisdom Lord. Thank you Jesus

Just my thoughts..

Wow, it has been a long time since I updated here. So many things have happened recently.

  1. It has been 10 months since my mum passed. I never thought I could move on like how I did now. I still remembered crying everyday , going to my friends’/Aunts/Sis’shouse just to pass time and being company of people so that I will not brood. Those people that God bless me I will treasure with all my heart and soul. There is going to be a memorial service soon as well…Hope it won’t bring back negative memories..
  2. Going back to church physically also made a big difference, attending cg physically again feels good. It is really a different feeling , to be in a company of people of the same church.
  3. Work has been smooth so far, favour with bosses and colleagues all around , praying for even more favour especially in this year of kairos.
  4. Relationships are not easy, it really takes both sides to make the conscious effort.

Overall, still thankful to God for the blessings I have in life.