Book Review: The Wedding Pact by Isla Gordon

This is a refreshing and enjoyable read. It was well-written and really engaging. The characters are likable and it is easy to read.

I really liked the way August and Flynn interacted, it wasn’t forced, the confusion about their feelings towards each other was not rushed. The only thing I found abit annoying was that August developed slight feelings towards Abe? It felt that that plot wasn’t strong enough for me to be really interested or rooting for this relationship

Callie was a good friend though throughout the whole saga. She supported, and though felt let down when the truth was out, still chose to support August and continued to be her friend.

Flynn , despite his insecurities, still was determined to fight for his own feelings. This is what I call courage 🙂

Overall, the plot is light-hearted and fun, it speaks about chasing your dreams, and about always speaking the truth , no matter what circumstances.

Rating: 3.5/5

Book Review: A Winter in Wonderland by Isla Gordon

This is one of my favourite festive read. I know Christmas is over but reading this book makes me feel like it is Christmas all over again, kind of explains why I am still in a holiday mood.

Myla avoids christmas as much as she can, to the point of quitting a job the moment it involves anything Chrismassy. , after losing yet another job with the temp agency, and losing a bet with her sister, she embarks on a month long christmas job in Finland. Over there, she slowly starts to love Christmas again and even maybe a human elf – Cole

This was a cute and adorable book. I loved the description of the setting. It seemed so lovely, cold but still festive and full of christmas spirit. Something that I would love to visit, especially if there are snowmobiles and northern lights, elf and santa claus! Santa Claus Village seemed like a family place to go to during the holidays, and the various activities one get to enjoy during the festive season.

Remember to find a cosy place under the blanket beneath the stars, have a cup of hot chocolate when you read this book, and oh yes add the marshmallows and you will immersed in a very fabulous and christmas read!

Overall, I rate it 4.5/5