Book Review: the Little Cottage in Latern Square by Helen Rolfe

This was a really lovely and cosey book.

Hannah has moved into Lantern Square, having purchased her own cottage and starting her care packing business over there as she wants to start a new life here. She meets many quiry neighbours and also Joe, who is always seen with a different woman leaving his houze each time.

The story moves at a decent pace, with Hannah’s past and present mixing together nicely , and with new neighbours and friends helping her as she goes along. I like the fact that she puts her self out there, to be integrated in the community, knowing that humans are not meant to be by themselves. A community is there to help each other out. It emphasized on the importance of community.

The relationships between the old residents at buttery lodge are also so sweet , with Hannah volunterring there makes it better.

The built- up romance between Hannah and Joe was also nicely paced.

Overall , 4.5%5