Book Review : Christmas Wishes at Pudding Hall by Kate Forster

Can I visit Pudding Hall please? The decorated Pudding Hall. Can this book be made into a movie please?

It sounds lovely and I want to meet the twins as well!

Ok back to reality. This book was a gorgeous festive read. I can understand Christa’s point of view, wanting to stand on her two feet after being dependent on Simon for so long , and not even in a loving marriage but a gas-lilting marriage! Christa’s determination and growing confidence is something to applaud for. Her presence allowed Marc to spend more time with his children and to really understand what it is to be a present father. With the small introduction of Adam and Paul, these two also played an important role in cementing the relationship between christa and ferrier household !

Overall I rate this book 3.8/5

Book Review : Underneath the Christmas tree by Heidi Swain

This book was just a perfect Christmas read!

The beautiful cover was an added bonus, and the story was very heartwarming, and moving. Liza, having made redundant from her job, has the intention to sell her shares of the Wynter Tree farm in order have the finances to start her own business. To do this, she decides to return to Wynter Tree farm (a place which she has avoided returning after her father’s accident) to discuss selling her shares with David, the partner who takes over and is running the farm. When she returns she meets David and Ned, David’s son, and is relieved that the farm is running extremely well under David’s and Ned’s care. However, David is soon retiring with the hopes of Liza taking charge of the farm with Ned , his son has been running the farm for the time being and Liza has to find a way to sell her shares as soon as possible.

I love the way the story was beautifully written. It touches on many friendships, the positivity, the romance and also the setting sounds very spectacular! I wish I could see it in person, especially the farm! It also touches on local markets and also the importance of family and love.

David, even though he was not the main character, i felt he was the man who was silently encouraging Ned and Liza to get together/to run the farm together. I really enjoyed the father-son relationship and also how supportive David was for Ned

Overall, i rate this book 4.5/5

Book Review: In a Holidaze by Christina Lauren

Hmm…honestly I did not like this book.

The storyline, romance were all so predictable.

The time loop basis or series of events could have been more eventful?

After going back 1st and second time, she was stuck on the third timeline and it flowed from there, like what was the point of the time loop then? No meaning actually.

For those who like a fast and easy happy ending predictable christmas book this might be worth a read.

Overall 3/5 because it is a christmas book and I love christmas

counting down to christmas

Christmas decorations are slowly popping up everywhere and I am definitely in a holiday mood!

Can I just take a break and enjoy these 2 months first? Maybe take something slower-paced , and then next year really concentrate on getting something better? I feel that I need a space, to process my emotions, to be more stable.

Anyway, i went to the book shop and bought 5 books! Even though I still have 20 books to be read. And these 5 books were all christmas books! 🙂 It cheered me instantly you know, to enter the bookshop and see all these christmas books with beautiful covers. Makes me think how to decorate my room now yea?

Recently things have been very complicated but still Jesus in control. I know, just to be still and trust Him

Book Review: Together by Christmas by Karen Swan

I am a huge fan of Karen Swan’s books and so when I saw the pretty book cover at the bookshop I knew I had to get it. Sidetrack abit, I love the cover so much.

Karen Swan has a knack of describing places in such a detailed way that you feel fully immersed in the places in the book. I love Christmas personally and the way she described the decorations made me wish I could see it with my own eyes!

Lee, a well-known photographer has only one main priority in her life – her son, Jasper. Raising a child as a single mum is no easy feat but Lee does a terrific job of it, attending to his needs and wants, ensuring that he is happy. He is also surrounded by “godparents” who happen to be Lee’s good friends. Still, Jasper feels the absence of the father (who will be revealed later in the story) and Lee tries her best to make up for it.

Her first encounter with Sam was quite interesting , I mean being connected through photography and even the book he wrote. What are the chances? The main connection between them was what I really could relate too. No matter what life throws at them, they are still together. Even if Lee has a secret buried deep within her, Sam still understands and make it a point to be present. Giving her space as and when she needs at the right time.

Harry is also another character i really was interested in .He is so loyal to the friendship shared between him and Lee, such that he even go to a place where his life can be at risk just so to make things right again. His wife Gisele is also a strong woman, not giving up on the baby even though she is left alone, waiting for Harry to return.

Overall, the book is more than a christmas story. It covers so many areas of life, that makes you rethink, that small moments do matter, family and friends do matter. It is not always about ambition, not always about superficial success that counts. Loved ones do matter and it is important to have them and be present and give them your attention.

I rate this book as 5/5

Book Review: A perfect Paris Christmas by Mandy Baggot

Wow where do i start? This book is such a perfect christmas book – warm, cosy, heartwarming and sometimes pull at your heartstrings! It was not predictable and the characters, even though each had a different personality, were written in such a way that they flowed seamlessly and came together nicely.

A quick sypnosis: Keely Andrews and Ethan, both who faced tragedy but have their lived interwined, keeps bumping into each other in the streets of Paris.

There are a number of cute characters as well including a penguin called pepe, the grumpy staff called Antoine, Keely’s best friend Rach.

Overall I rate this book 5/5 !

Book Review : A Surprise Christmas Wedding by Phillipa Ashley

This book was really amazing. I really loved the easy-going pace of the book and the dialogues between the main characters.

A quick sypnosis: Lottie has landed a dream job and has a handsome groundkeeper as a neighbour. She is asked to organise a wedding and she is excited about it until she realises the groom-to-be is connor , who was her ex. Will Lottie be able to organise this wedding smoothly?

This book focuses on how the relationship develops between the two main leads and also touches on various emotions, and how clinging to the past can be detrimental to getting something which you can actually have.

Overall, i rate this book 4.5/5 🙂

In the mood for christmas

It’s really amazing how time flies.

So many things have happened and it honestly was quite overwhelming. Without God, i don’t think I could have the strength. But Lord, You said You are fighting for us. That You are on the throne, in control Lord. I am not going to fear Lord, For You never fail. Amen.

So I am currently in Christmas mood. I know, it is kind of early to be in Christmas mood but I have started indulging in hallmark christmas movies. I wanted to look for christmas books to read but they are not out yet, maybe later this month they will be out. By the way, I bought 10 books to read, but I do not really have the time to read.