Bokk Review: Christmas from the heart by Sheila Roberts

Christmas cruise. I always love christmas cruise. And this book really make me feel like going on a christmas cruise again.

This book consist of many lovely characters, with Catherine being the first person introduced. She lost her husband and has 2 grown up kids who are always busy with their own stuff. She will be going through chemotherapy the following year and so her bff; Denise decides to bring her along to the christmas cruise just to spend a lovely christmas and to lighten her mood. On the cruise she meets two lovely sisters – sophie and siera, a doctor ( Rudy) and his daughter ( Athena), as well as trevor and his brother kurt.

This story on a christmas cruise really convey a message of how people will help each other with pure intentions and also what it really means to be there for someone. Things may just turn out differently if you know what you really want.

Overall i give it 4.5/5