Book Review : Christmas at Shelter Inn by Reanne Thayne

First time reading her book and i love the book cover. It is really pretty! One look at the cover and you feel as if christmas is already here! Sidetrack abit, because the story was so cosy and chrismassy, it helped to heighten my mood for christmas!

Natalie Shepherd , a travel nomad returns to shelter inn to help her pregnant sister Mckanna take care of the inn as well as her two nieces.

Her two nieces are really adorable with the usual sister bickering. With the new GP in town, Griffin, who occasionally steps in when there is an emergency, and a hidden secret of his own, it helped to provide depth to the relationship between Natalie and Griffin

I really enjoyed this book. It consists of romance, healing and strong community support. These 3 really help to make the whole christmas story very wholesome. I love it!

Overall rating – 4.5/5