Book Review: A Winter in New York by Josie Silver

10 stars . This book is worth a 100 stars. I laughed,  I cheered, i cried, i was rooting for Iris all the way. This book captures all kinds of emotions that a reader can have.

I love Josie silver books. Iris decides to move to new york to escape an abusive relationship. New york was a chosen destination as it was where her mum and her lived, and where her mum thrived as a young woman and Iris hopes to find her path there as well.

As she chances upon the gelato that opened up the key to her mother’s past, Iris discovers the meaning of strength, family and love

Gio was a very good and patient guy, one who really loved Iris, and would do anything just to be with her

The relationship that Iris had with her mother was a very close bond. The way Iris managed to hold her mother’s secret because she love her mum so much ; despite it causing regrettable potential consequences to her relationship with Gio, made me admire her more. When she finally let go of her mum ashes, i teared at that scene because i know how it feels like…

The supporting characters in the Belotti family were so awesome and supportive as well. They contributed in different ways  to the story, adding different kind of insights to the unique yet fascinating family. Sophi Bella Santo Fellipe all held their own as characters as the story develops

At one point , the way Santo wanted Iris to make a certain decision – it was kind of frustrating but understandable , and the author was able to capture that complexity of emotions so fluently

I love this book and I hope it will become a movie one day as well

Overall rating : 5/5

Book Review : Christmas at Shelter Inn by Reanne Thayne

First time reading her book and i love the book cover. It is really pretty! One look at the cover and you feel as if christmas is already here! Sidetrack abit, because the story was so cosy and chrismassy, it helped to heighten my mood for christmas!

Natalie Shepherd , a travel nomad returns to shelter inn to help her pregnant sister Mckanna take care of the inn as well as her two nieces.

Her two nieces are really adorable with the usual sister bickering. With the new GP in town, Griffin, who occasionally steps in when there is an emergency, and a hidden secret of his own, it helped to provide depth to the relationship between Natalie and Griffin

I really enjoyed this book. It consists of romance, healing and strong community support. These 3 really help to make the whole christmas story very wholesome. I love it!

Overall rating – 4.5/5

Book Review: The Book Club Hotel by Sarah Morgan

Hattie, Erica, Claudia , Anna . These 4 make an awesome friendship

I really love the way the story develop, and also the beautiful descriptions of the inn. Sarah cleverly interwines the settings and friendship between these four and allows the reader to enjoy the development of the friendship at an even pace

The bond between Hattie and Erica especially speaks about forgiveness and friendship and also learning to care for one another as their relationship develop

Claudia and Anna , though they were supporting characters, it was evident that they are needed in Erica’s life no matter how strong or successful she seems.

The whole story flowed nicely, coupled with the chrismassy feel really makes me wanna visit the inn myself!

Overall rating 4.5/5

Book Review: the Little Cottage in Latern Square by Helen Rolfe

This was a really lovely and cosey book.

Hannah has moved into Lantern Square, having purchased her own cottage and starting her care packing business over there as she wants to start a new life here. She meets many quiry neighbours and also Joe, who is always seen with a different woman leaving his houze each time.

The story moves at a decent pace, with Hannah’s past and present mixing together nicely , and with new neighbours and friends helping her as she goes along. I like the fact that she puts her self out there, to be integrated in the community, knowing that humans are not meant to be by themselves. A community is there to help each other out. It emphasized on the importance of community.

The relationships between the old residents at buttery lodge are also so sweet , with Hannah volunterring there makes it better.

The built- up romance between Hannah and Joe was also nicely paced.

Overall , 4.5%5

Christmas from the Heart by Sheila Roberts

This was such a cute christmas story, I can picture it being a hallmark movie.

Olivia runs a charity named Christmas from the heart, and one of the big donors usually come from Guy’s company. But because this year Guy has taken over the reins as CEO, and he has to take into picture budgets and stuff, decides to give a very small donation to Olivia after some nasty email exchanges between Olivia and Guy. On the way to his mother’s house, his car broke down and Olivia stopped to helped him, without know his true identity. Sparks fly, romance build between them and so the usual christmas story follows.

But one thing that stands out about Sheila Roberts books – she knows how craft a very cozy yet engaging storyline and also put the reader in the places mentioned in the book.

Overall, i rate it 4.5/5

Book Review: Coming Home to Mistletoe Cottage by Celia Anderson

This is a cosy and family-oriented book in a christmas setting. Magda who plans to enjoy her retirement days in the cottage is suddenly stuck with the task at looking after her grandchildren – will and desi as her son and his wife – Jared and Annika are going to new york to star in a play. Initially annoyed at this prospect, Magda slowly gains momentum in looking after the grandchildren and also, face her greatest fear – baking. As she learns how to bake, she stumbles upon her late mum’s recipe book and she depends on the book and her bff, fliss to learn how to bake.

This book is a very wholesome read. I like the way Magda deals with the grandchildren – being patient even though she feels like snapping at them. And also the way she ensures her friendship with Fliss is restored. The supporting characters are also loving and tightly knitted, with all offering their help during the bake sale.

The different timelines also helps the reader to understand what really happened back then 20 years ago and present, and the way it is written allows the story to develop beautifully.

Overall, i give this book 4.5/5

Book Review: The christmas house by Victoria James

This story was a cozy christmas story over three generations of women. Ruby Harris past in relation to how the christmas house came about was touching. There are some topics that are covered that are abit on the negative side – alocohlism, abuse, broken family etc.

What really was nice about this book was the way Charlotte and Wyatt reconnected when they grew up as adults , and how Wyatt daughter was able to relate to Charlotte, as her mom left the family. The sisterhood between Charlotte and Olivia also displayed that blood is thicker than water , and that sisters are always there for each other.

This book is for those who wants a cosy family christmas read 🙂

overall 3.5/5

Book Review: The Merry Christmas Project by Cathy Bramley

The book cover is really gorgeous and I really love the way the colours blend together.

This book consist of multiple point of views (something that i am not a great fan of) but still, it manages to keep me engaged to carry on reading till the end. However, it wasn’t up to my expectations though..

Merry, being single after her marriage proposal got rejected, embarks on a new candle project. Helping her friend’s stall at the market one day, she crosses path with Cole, who happens to be the landlord of her cottage. Her ex, Daniel and new found girlfriend , Tasha, are the motivation behind Merry’s involvement in the annual Christmas event. Sparks begin to fly between Merry and Cole and we get to see the process of how their relationship develop.

THIS was a slower read than expected. I thought the story would have progressed at a faster pace , some parts were unnecessary though. I did not feel the chemistry between Merry and Cole, maybe I am just not a romantic haha!

However, it still proves to be a festive read if the reader is looking for something simple, cosy and fun read.

Overall I rate it 3.8/5

Book Review: A Winter in Wonderland by Isla Gordon

This is one of my favourite festive read. I know Christmas is over but reading this book makes me feel like it is Christmas all over again, kind of explains why I am still in a holiday mood.

Myla avoids christmas as much as she can, to the point of quitting a job the moment it involves anything Chrismassy. , after losing yet another job with the temp agency, and losing a bet with her sister, she embarks on a month long christmas job in Finland. Over there, she slowly starts to love Christmas again and even maybe a human elf – Cole

This was a cute and adorable book. I loved the description of the setting. It seemed so lovely, cold but still festive and full of christmas spirit. Something that I would love to visit, especially if there are snowmobiles and northern lights, elf and santa claus! Santa Claus Village seemed like a family place to go to during the holidays, and the various activities one get to enjoy during the festive season.

Remember to find a cosy place under the blanket beneath the stars, have a cup of hot chocolate when you read this book, and oh yes add the marshmallows and you will immersed in a very fabulous and christmas read!

Overall, I rate it 4.5/5

Book Review: The Christmas Bookshop by Jenny Colgan

I am a big fan of Jenny Colgan’s books but , this book was not really what i expected it to be..

The book is centered around the bookshop, Mr Mcreadie, Carmen, her sister Sophia, and two love interest – Blair and Oke. One thing and maybe on the only thing i liked about this book was the setting, and the christmas atmosphere of the bookshop. I felt the storyline which involved the two love interests were awkward and lacked depth, something which I can’t really fathom.

Another thing was this book was a slow burn…some things actually could have moved faster than expected…

Overall, 3/5