Book Review: Snowed In for Christmas by Sarah Morgan

First time reading her books and i loved it!

Lucy Clarke turns up at Ross Miller’s family to propose a business deal in order to save her job and help her boss to save the company’s business. Ross Miller’ s Family also have its own range of characters- Glenda and Douglas ( mum and dad), Nana Jean (grandmother) , the three siblings – Ross, Alice and Clemmie, each member with their own thoughts and fears and doubts.

This is a beautiful heartwarming christmas family story. I really feel for Lucy, and can understand the grief that she is feeling. Her self-doubts, anxieties, the sadness of prospect of spending christmas alone. It is so nice to have someone there for you, support you when you are down and in comes Ross Miller. Despite his cool composed front, he is a kind-hearted guy who really tries to understand Lucy as a person. For Alice and her fiance , Nico, it is so touching to see how their relationship progressed from doubts to assurance, from “misunderstanding” and “giving space’ to letting things come together and enabling their relationship to be stronger. It’s always so refreshing to be able to see the thought process of each individual in a couple relationship.

Overall i rate it 4.5/5

Book Review: The Road to Christmas by Sheila Roberts

This is my first time reading this book. I wanted to get it beforehand but didnt have the copy at library .

This book was really fabulous! Though there were so many characters but the author made the story connect so well together even though there were many many different scenarios.

Julia the youngest of the family, wants the whole family to get together by christmas. The sisters relationships and couple dynamics between michelle and max were fun to read, and it was a good experience to read and see how their story unfold. I’m happy that eventually max was able to voice out his thoughts, and michelle and max came to a common understanding on how to improve their relationship.

Overall, the rating i give is 4.5/5

Book Review : The Woman in the Middle by Milly Johnson

Yay another Milly Johnson book. I actually postponed this book even though I knew it was gonna be a good read, reason being that I was quite busy and was occupied with certain stuff but i really love this book as well because it touches topic such as family, friends, betrayal, standing up for oneself..

Shay always been helping her family in all ways , and also being the middle of the “sandwich” . It is actually really really hard to come out of such a position when all you want is for your family to be happy and you try your best to do what you can until you hit a certain threshold and …booom…your threshold is finally reached and then your pent-up frustrations will erupt . Add on betrayal by your hub and best friend, and having to look after your children who always seem to need help to get out of situations

I can understand her because I am someone who always love to help people, and i know and understand the frustrations of being there all the time such that people think that it is so convenient to just ask you for help, and get upset when you say you are unavailable ahha.

Anyway, i rate this book 4.5/5 (cause milly johnson books are one of the best books!)

Book Review: A Colourful Country Escape by Anita Faulkner

During the recovery period, I started on this book and it was such a fun right. I normally buy book based on book cover and the sypnosis and this book went beyond my expectations.

Lexie, after being dumped by her boyfriend, decides to move to find a new path on her own. She stumbles into Carrington Paints business at Nutgrass Hall, and is undeniably attracted to the handsome boss Ben, who she described as “beige” in terms of the personality. His mother, who wants Ben to be married arranges many dates for him and he has to get married by end of the year or he won’t be given the business/inheritance. This causes Lexie and Ben to somehow work together in the meantime , causing lots of sparks between them to fly

The way the story unfolds is very engaging, it includes the usual bickering but it is a different kind of banter, one that makes the reader laugh with joy and also root for Lexie and Ben to be together. The supportive cast such as tom and Mrs Moon are lovely people that the reader will also want the best for them. Lexie’s sister , Sky, is a lovely addition as she provides ad-ho comic relief to the various sides of the circumstances.

Overall, this is a joyful and fun read, if you are looking for laughter and humour – 4/5 stars

Book Review: Coming Home to Mistletoe Cottage by Celia Anderson

This is a cosy and family-oriented book in a christmas setting. Magda who plans to enjoy her retirement days in the cottage is suddenly stuck with the task at looking after her grandchildren – will and desi as her son and his wife – Jared and Annika are going to new york to star in a play. Initially annoyed at this prospect, Magda slowly gains momentum in looking after the grandchildren and also, face her greatest fear – baking. As she learns how to bake, she stumbles upon her late mum’s recipe book and she depends on the book and her bff, fliss to learn how to bake.

This book is a very wholesome read. I like the way Magda deals with the grandchildren – being patient even though she feels like snapping at them. And also the way she ensures her friendship with Fliss is restored. The supporting characters are also loving and tightly knitted, with all offering their help during the bake sale.

The different timelines also helps the reader to understand what really happened back then 20 years ago and present, and the way it is written allows the story to develop beautifully.

Overall, i give this book 4.5/5

Book Review: A white christmas on winter street by Sue moorcroft

I absolutely love this book. It involves new beginnings, christmas lights, christmas decorations, friendships, restoration of relationship and forgiveness!

Sky Terran, having been brought up in the corner house when she was a kid by nan heather, decides to purchase the house after leaving a job which she really loved. After moving into the corner house, she is surrounded by friendly neighbours including marietta, courtney, daz and waif. Courtney quickly becomes best friends with Sky, with the latter offering to babysit her son Waif. Daz, who offers to look after waif while waif’s dad is in prison, slowly develops feelings for Sky despitr losing out in the auction bid of the house.With the complexity of Daz’s ex coming into the picture on the second half of the book, it impacts the starting of a relationship between sky and Daz.

So many characters but Sue always manages to blend all together to weave into a very cozy christmas family read. As usual i love her books!

Rating: 5/5

28 March 2023

This Thursday I am supposed to go to the memorial service but I decided to give it a miss since next Fri I am going to her niche. When the lady from the hospice called me, I recalled everything all at once again. Sigh, i hope I will get over this soon.

Lately, my appetite has been increasing, my diet plan of losing 5 kg seems to be thrown out of the window. I really should watch what I am eating. Drinking 3 cups of coffee really feels so good, but I know the ultimate feeling end of the day – which is shakiness.

I also been to the dentist recently, saying that i need to have my teeth extracted under LA or GA, but GA is not advisable as I have too many drug allergies. Sigh, can i just pray for healing and dont go surgery? I have never been under GA my entire life. If i do LA, i’m scared my anxiety will hit the roof which results in panic attack under LA.

So many things to consider Lord. Seeking Your wisdom Lord. Thank you Jesus

Book Review: Wedding at Sandy Cove by Bella Obsorne

Look at the book cover, what a beauty! So gorgeous! I love the mixture of colours and the sea especially!

Back to the book, i really love this book. Ella, Lucy and Brittany form a great trio, with the story being more centered around Ella and Lucy. I found the treetop incident really funny, and i was engaged throughout the whole story. The chemistry between ella and kit was there as well, with them scheming to break the relationship between their respective parents. There are all kinds of schemes involved, but things always fell through or became worse.

I really like how easily the story flowed, especially when it moved from ella to lucy . Some books doesn’t really capture the essence of the story, with sudden changes of the story for different characters but this book managed to ensure that the story flowed smoothly even during the overlap of different characters while in the same situation.

Book Review: The christmas house by Victoria James

This story was a cozy christmas story over three generations of women. Ruby Harris past in relation to how the christmas house came about was touching. There are some topics that are covered that are abit on the negative side – alocohlism, abuse, broken family etc.

What really was nice about this book was the way Charlotte and Wyatt reconnected when they grew up as adults , and how Wyatt daughter was able to relate to Charlotte, as her mom left the family. The sisterhood between Charlotte and Olivia also displayed that blood is thicker than water , and that sisters are always there for each other.

This book is for those who wants a cosy family christmas read 🙂

overall 3.5/5

Book Review: Paris is always a Good Idea by Jenn Mckinlay

Honestly, I was abit hesitant to read this book because i knew it was gonna hit closely to home. Somehow, i just plucked up my courage and started reading it.

And i couldn’t stop. The words that flowed, especially on the emotional journey that the main character went through just to get her “happy” back. I can relate to her, the grief, the profound loss, the throwing oneself into work/all kinds of distractions so that we don’t have to think about the loss, we don’t have to fear about feeling the loss at night, we try to avoid doing nothing as if we do, the result will be just deep grief and intense crying (well that happens to me). The gorgeous travel destinations that chelsea went through sound fantastic, I would like to go to one day..

The relationship between Knightly and Chelsea was predictable but still i enjoyed the development of the relationship. It was cute and happy, and the dynamics of the relationship was funny

Overall 5/5