Book Review: The Perfect Christmas Village by Bella Osborne

The cover is stunning. I love the little christmassy houses lined up together and surrounded by snow, and the falling twinkling stars that grace the cover.

This book is so lovely and cosy , just nice for christmas! The description of the christmas decorations in the village really puts me in christmas mood!

Blyth is someone who will help when she can, while at the same time hoping to retain the top sales record in order to win her father’s validation. The relationship dynamics between Blyth and Sam was fun to watch, but at the same time we get to see how Blyth come up with various ways to soften Sam hatred for christmas.

Vicky , Blyth good friend also plays an important role in the story as we see how she puts Eden; her daughter as priority over everything. We get to see the emotions that she felt when eden had to be rushed to the emergency ward. Her high school sweetheart; owen is a sweet guy who stays with her all the way

I really love the way the community get together, all hands on deck to get ready to decorate the village for the competition. Leorona, who is the chairman of the holly cross christmas committee, though a quirky and dominnering character( which the reason will be revealed later on), manages to get all of them united to decorate the village

If this book was developed into a movie, i will definitely watch it!

Overall rating : 4.5/5

Book Review: The pet shop at pennycombe bay

This is such a cute story, and it involves relationship, learning to stand on one own feet, and dogs

We see Jess growing from a self conscious timid girl developing into a self assured lady, who slowly immerse herself into the community of pennycombe bay. As she learns to be more independent and confident, she realises that having people around is ok, feeling awkward at times is ok.

I love the way the author connects Jess to everyone that makes the supporting characters all seem important to Jess life, no matter how small their appearance may be. Her dad, Jim, ruth are all the main people who are there for her, and Tom as well.

overall 4/ 5

Book Review: On a night like this by Lindsey kelk

This book will be great for those who are looking for escapism, fun, adventure, and a cinderella kind of story.

Fran Cooper works as an admin assistant for an agency and one day she accepts an assignment to work as an assistant for Juliette – this job allows her to travel around the world. So on adventures she goes, and she also gets to go to a ball where she meets a handsome stranger, Evan.

The characters were well-developed, and its really a plot where you can really just read it to destress after a long working day. Some parts of the story were unrealistic, like it would never happen in real life but hey, this is just a fiction book yea

Overall i rate it 3.5/5

Book Review: The Little Perfume Shop off the Champs-Elysees by Rebecca Raisin

This was such a delightful love story. It is so hard to get her books at the bookstore or library such that I had to order this online. This is the second book I have read of hers and it did not disappoint.

Sebestian and Del, seems to be such a lovely couple. Del, wanting to make her mark in the perfume world whereas Sebestian, wanting to leave the perfume business once everything is over..

The various contestants – Clementine; Lye, Lila, added flavour to the story, and the whole story was very engaging.

I really love her books…looking forward to reading more!

Overall, 5/5

Book Review: the Little Cottage in Latern Square by Helen Rolfe

This was a really lovely and cosey book.

Hannah has moved into Lantern Square, having purchased her own cottage and starting her care packing business over there as she wants to start a new life here. She meets many quiry neighbours and also Joe, who is always seen with a different woman leaving his houze each time.

The story moves at a decent pace, with Hannah’s past and present mixing together nicely , and with new neighbours and friends helping her as she goes along. I like the fact that she puts her self out there, to be integrated in the community, knowing that humans are not meant to be by themselves. A community is there to help each other out. It emphasized on the importance of community.

The relationships between the old residents at buttery lodge are also so sweet , with Hannah volunterring there makes it better.

The built- up romance between Hannah and Joe was also nicely paced.

Overall , 4.5%5

Book Review: Christmas cakes and Mistletoe Nights by Carole Matthews

When I heard that there was a sequeal to the cake shop in the garden , i knew i had to get my hands on it.

The sequel to the cake shop was fun, romantic and it was the same pace as the first, a continuation from Fay and Danny story.

There is also a new character-Rainbow, who adds light, laughter fun and joy to the otherwise not so fun turn of events.

Overall i give it 3.9/5

Book Review: The Cake Shop in the Garden by Carole Matthews

You know how it feels to have a great combination of your favourite coffee and a great book? This book just does it.

First, i love the setting of the location of the book. Fay Merryweather , due to being the sole caregiver of her mum, while simultaneously running her own cafe with her feisty assistant Lija. She has a long-term partner -Anthony who she has grown comfortable with, or whom she thought she will settle down with..

I do not want to share more details as there are alot of twists and turns in the story , do not wish to spoil it for those who wishes to read it

The whole story was really engaging, i can see why it was one of fans favourites. I devoured this book in like 2 week even though i was so busy with work and life

Overall i rate it 4.5/5

Bokk Review: Christmas from the heart by Sheila Roberts

Christmas cruise. I always love christmas cruise. And this book really make me feel like going on a christmas cruise again.

This book consist of many lovely characters, with Catherine being the first person introduced. She lost her husband and has 2 grown up kids who are always busy with their own stuff. She will be going through chemotherapy the following year and so her bff; Denise decides to bring her along to the christmas cruise just to spend a lovely christmas and to lighten her mood. On the cruise she meets two lovely sisters – sophie and siera, a doctor ( Rudy) and his daughter ( Athena), as well as trevor and his brother kurt.

This story on a christmas cruise really convey a message of how people will help each other with pure intentions and also what it really means to be there for someone. Things may just turn out differently if you know what you really want.

Overall i give it 4.5/5

Book Review: The Guesthouse at Lobster Bay by Annie Robertson

This story even though predictable, was quite a romantic story with a breath of fresh air.

After going through a traumatic event on christmas eve, Emma decides to move to Scotland, and to take over the guesthouse (owned by Hilda). She meets many lovely folks , with their own quirks, and meet a handsome neighbour, Aiden.

As the story develops, we see how Emma, with her emotional baggage, moves through different types of situation in guesthouse. Like the rooftop leak( which Aiden helped to fix but unknowingly didnt fix till it was sustainable), different type of guests with different personalities etc

Overall, i rate it 4.0/5 , hopefully i can find the christmas version soon.

Book Review: Escape to Provence by Sophie Claire

This is a love story which really reflects how opposites attract. Daisy, the high-achiever and full of routines vs Gabriel, laidback, relaxed, knows how to enjoy the present. At first, because they cannot see eye-to eye due to the battle of inheritance over the farmhouse. But as time passes, they develop feelings towards each other. One thing that annoyed me a teeny bit was Daisy’s hesitation to fully love Gabriel. It was quite annoying to see that just because she don’t do love, she avoids being committed to Gabriel. Yes, this is to protect herself, but it is also a selfish behaviour on her part when Gabriel truely loves her and have said he loves her many times. The ending was predictable but it was overall an enjoyable book

Overall rating: 4.5/5