Book Review: A Winter in New York by Josie Silver

10 stars . This book is worth a 100 stars. I laughed,  I cheered, i cried, i was rooting for Iris all the way. This book captures all kinds of emotions that a reader can have.

I love Josie silver books. Iris decides to move to new york to escape an abusive relationship. New york was a chosen destination as it was where her mum and her lived, and where her mum thrived as a young woman and Iris hopes to find her path there as well.

As she chances upon the gelato that opened up the key to her mother’s past, Iris discovers the meaning of strength, family and love

Gio was a very good and patient guy, one who really loved Iris, and would do anything just to be with her

The relationship that Iris had with her mother was a very close bond. The way Iris managed to hold her mother’s secret because she love her mum so much ; despite it causing regrettable potential consequences to her relationship with Gio, made me admire her more. When she finally let go of her mum ashes, i teared at that scene because i know how it feels like…

The supporting characters in the Belotti family were so awesome and supportive as well. They contributed in different ways  to the story, adding different kind of insights to the unique yet fascinating family. Sophi Bella Santo Fellipe all held their own as characters as the story develops

At one point , the way Santo wanted Iris to make a certain decision – it was kind of frustrating but understandable , and the author was able to capture that complexity of emotions so fluently

I love this book and I hope it will become a movie one day as well

Overall rating : 5/5

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