Book Review: The Cake Shop in the Garden by Carole Matthews

You know how it feels to have a great combination of your favourite coffee and a great book? This book just does it.

First, i love the setting of the location of the book. Fay Merryweather , due to being the sole caregiver of her mum, while simultaneously running her own cafe with her feisty assistant Lija. She has a long-term partner -Anthony who she has grown comfortable with, or whom she thought she will settle down with..

I do not want to share more details as there are alot of twists and turns in the story , do not wish to spoil it for those who wishes to read it

The whole story was really engaging, i can see why it was one of fans favourites. I devoured this book in like 2 week even though i was so busy with work and life

Overall i rate it 4.5/5

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