Book Review : The Woman in the Middle by Milly Johnson

Yay another Milly Johnson book. I actually postponed this book even though I knew it was gonna be a good read, reason being that I was quite busy and was occupied with certain stuff but i really love this book as well because it touches topic such as family, friends, betrayal, standing up for oneself..

Shay always been helping her family in all ways , and also being the middle of the “sandwich” . It is actually really really hard to come out of such a position when all you want is for your family to be happy and you try your best to do what you can until you hit a certain threshold and …booom…your threshold is finally reached and then your pent-up frustrations will erupt . Add on betrayal by your hub and best friend, and having to look after your children who always seem to need help to get out of situations

I can understand her because I am someone who always love to help people, and i know and understand the frustrations of being there all the time such that people think that it is so convenient to just ask you for help, and get upset when you say you are unavailable ahha.

Anyway, i rate this book 4.5/5 (cause milly johnson books are one of the best books!)

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