28 March 2023

This Thursday I am supposed to go to the memorial service but I decided to give it a miss since next Fri I am going to her niche. When the lady from the hospice called me, I recalled everything all at once again. Sigh, i hope I will get over this soon.

Lately, my appetite has been increasing, my diet plan of losing 5 kg seems to be thrown out of the window. I really should watch what I am eating. Drinking 3 cups of coffee really feels so good, but I know the ultimate feeling end of the day – which is shakiness.

I also been to the dentist recently, saying that i need to have my teeth extracted under LA or GA, but GA is not advisable as I have too many drug allergies. Sigh, can i just pray for healing and dont go surgery? I have never been under GA my entire life. If i do LA, i’m scared my anxiety will hit the roof which results in panic attack under LA.

So many things to consider Lord. Seeking Your wisdom Lord. Thank you Jesus

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